
24 hr Read-a-Thon

On October 22, 2011 at noon GMT (which if I am correct would be 8 am for me).  This will be my first time joining in.  Dewey's Read-a-Thon sounds like fun.  Why don't you hop over there and sign up to join the fun?  They are looking for volunteers and cheerleaders also, so check it out.  I must admit, I am sort of excited to join in.  I spend most weekends reading, so this is sure to be fun.  

I can take part in this while still doing my NetGalley month.  Wonder if I can finish 1 or 2 books in 24 hrs.  Guess I better get planning which books to read and not planning on doing anything else that weekend.  

Even if you don't have a blog, you can still take part.  Just go to Dewey's Read-a-Thon and check it out.  It doesn't matter where you live.  If you like to read, you have nothing to lose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm excited you're joining in! The readathon is always a fun day. My two pieces of advice for the day are
1) read short books - it makes it feel like you're getting more finished
2) take breaks to jump on to twitter and/or visit the blogs of other participants - this makes the day feel more like a community event and less of a solo one.

I hope you have fun! Hopefully I'll see you around on the 22nd :)